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Social Projects and Cooperativism Consultant

United Nations

Result of Service The Social Projects andCooperativism Consultant will be responsible for dealing with allissues relating to social projects and waste picker cooperatives tosupport the development of Municipal Waste Management Plan.

TheConsultant's initial objective is to support the diagnostic stageby collecting information and data on actions and initiativeslinked to waste picker organizations and related social projectsimplemented in the city of São Paulo, together with the UN-Habitatwaste team.

He / she will also propose solutions to develop and adaptsocial projects related to solid waste, as well as establish,together with the team, an action plan and targets to achieve thedefined objectives.

The Social Projects and CooperativismConsultant will work in close collaboration with the TechnicalCoordinator, the General Coordinator, the operational and technicalteams of UN-Habitat offices in Rio de Janeiro, as well as with thelocal project team, staff of other UN Agencies, Governmentofficials, media, multilateral and bilateral donors and civilsociety.

Work Location São Paulo, SP, Brazil Expected duration Five(5) months upon the signature of the contract. Duties andResponsibilities Background The main mandate of the United NationsHuman Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is to promote sustainabledevelopment of human settlements and policies conducive to adequatehousing for all.

Within this framework, UN-Habitat supports centraland state governments, as well as local authorities and otherpartners for the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, the 2030Agenda with the Sustainable Development Goals and the New UrbanAgenda.

UN-Habitat helps the urban poor by transforming cities intosafer, more inclusive, compact, integrated, resilient and connectedplaces with better opportunities where everyone can live withdignity.

It works with organizations at every level, including allspheres of government, civil society and the private sector to helpbuild, manage, plan and finance sustainable urban development.

UN-Habitat’s Regional Office for Latin American and the Caribbean ROLAC is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Agency putsemphasis on developing and managing activities in the host country.

Indeed, for the past years, UN-Habitat has expanded its portfolioin Brazil by working with the three tiers of government in order tosupport the formulation and implementation of more effective,sustainable, participative and socially fairer urban economic,social and environmental policies.

As part of a partnership withthe Municipality of São Paulo, the project includes the revision ofthe Municipal Solid Waste Plan and the elaboration of the MunicipalSanitation Plan.

To effectively implement this project, a SocialProjects and Cooperativism Consultant is needed to ensure that theMunicipal Waste Management Plan incorporates a suitable approach tointegrating waste picker cooperatives and social projects.

Reportto UN-Habitat Manager The Social Projects and CooperativismConsultant reports to the National Officer for Brazil, who willevaluate him / her.

Outputs / Work Assignment Under the overallsupervision of the National Officer for Brazil, the Social Projectsand Cooperativism Consultant will be responsible for delivering thethree (3) following products in the expected delivery date : Product1 : Work Plan Description Prepare a document that presents theWork Plan regarding the object, stages and products of theconsultancy, whose main objective is to gather information andoutline solutions and targets regarding the social andcooperativism projects implemented in the city of São Paulo thatwill be part of the preparation of the new Integrated Solid WasteManagement Plan (PGIRS).

The Work Plan must contain, at a minimum :

  • Detailed scope of the deliverable products, focusing on thestages and related activities, including social participationactions;
  • Details of the information and data required to developthe work;
  • Schedule of activities and delivery dates;
  • The flowof review and approval of the products. Expected Completion Date 30(thirty) days after contract signature. Product 2 : Diagnosis ofsocial projects related to municipal waste management and wastepicker organizations in the city of São Paulo DescriptionDeveloping reports containing the following contents, as a resultof the activities of :
  • Survey and description of waste pickerorganizations operating in São Paulo.
  • Overview of major socialprojects related to municipal waste management in São Paulo.
  • Description of key actors (NGOs, institutes, and private entities)involved in significant social projects within waste management inSão Paulo.
  • Reporting on participation in events / workshops relatedto the Municipal Waste Management Plan.
  • Diagnosis of the mainchallenges and issues concerning social projects and waste pickercooperativism in São Paulo. Expected Completion Date 90 (ninety)days after contract signature.

Product 3 : Study of solutions andpreparation of an Action Plan and Targets to enhance socialprojects and cooperativism in waste management in São Paulo.

Description Developing a report proposing :

  • Evaluation anddescription of solutions and their application in the wastemanagement system.
  • Identification and descriptive table ofpriority actions.
  • Structure required for each proposed solution.
  • Actors involved in each proposed solution.
  • Table containing thedescription of established targets, monitoring indicators, and SDGsrelated to each target.
  • Implementation schedule for the ActionPlan.
  • Reporting on participation in events / workshops related tothe Municipal Waste Management Plan. Expected Completion Date 150(one hundred and fifty) days after contract signature.

Responsibilities Under the overall supervision of the NationalOfficer for Brazil, the Consultant will work in the followingareas : a) Be available for a minimum of one (1) weekly virtualmeeting with the General Coordinator, aiming at : I.

sharing partialresults of each deliverable. II. being readily available toincorporate revisions pointed out by the UN-Habitat team in theongoing activities;

III. supporting project planning. b) Considerthat achieving the completion of each Product on the expecteddelivery date depends on the Consultant’s ability and commitment topresent partial results, following a detailed timeline to bevalidated with the project coordination in the first week aftersigning the contract.

Overall, the Consultant shall guarantee theexecution of its activities accordingly to the main projectschedule, being responsible for the deliverables according todeadlines.

c) Be available to execute field work and participatingin public events related to the participatory process of developingthe Municipal Waste Management Plan and face-to-face meetingswhenever requested.

d) Reports must be developed using the projecttemplate that the UN-Habitat team will provide in the .ppt and.indd formats.

e) Maintain an orderly and accessible informationfile system on the information and data produced. f) Ensure thatthe technical activities are aligned with the quality expectationsof UN-Habitat and the project counterpart.

g) The Consultant willbe responsible for completing all courses and training activitiesthat are indicated to him / her by his / her supervisor.

The securitycourse BSAFE is required to be accredited during the first month ofemployment. h) The Consultant will be responsible for his / her ownsecurity, so the person should get familiarized with United Nationssecurity mechanisms and comply with them according to the Frameworkof Accountability for the United Nations Security ManagementSystem.

Qualifications / special skills Academic Qualifications : Required : Post-Graduation course (Latu Sensu or Stricto Sensu) inSocial Sciences, Sociology, Humanities, Social Assistance orrelated fields, or additional 4 (four) years or relevant technicalexperience to the post, beyond the requirement.

Bachelor's degreein Social Sciences, Sociology, Humanities, Social Assistance orrelated fields is required. Experience : A minimum of four (4) yearsproviding technical support and management related to sustainabledevelopment, social projects, waste pickers cooperativism.

Academicknowledge on themes related to sustainable development, socialprojects, waste pickers cooperativism. Professional experiencedeveloping studies, projects, plans and technical assessmentsrelated to sustainable development, social projects, waste pickerscooperativism.

Previous experience within the UN System would be anasset. Skills : Excellent writing and proof-reading skills inPortuguese is required;

Good computer skills in Windows, asMicrosoft Office, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and Web search enginesis required. The ability to engage in dialogue with cooperatives,the third sector, the public sector, and the private sector isrequired.

Knowledge Management The person must know the processes,procedures and norms of UN-Habitat, in order to guarantee anadequate quality of the activities described above, following thestandards of the organization.

The person will propose formats andprocedures that allow the efficient implementation of theactivities related to the project development.

The person must knowthe file of the Office, work with it and ensure its propermaintenance, accessibility for all staff and due updating.

Theperson will prepare databases related to the project running. Theperson will make sure that all relevant technical information willbe adequately shared with the correspondent staff.

The person willensure that all produced material will be fit-for-purpose anddelivered, in an organized way, for posterior consultation and useof the Agency.

  • Competencies Professionalism : Experience working inan inter-institutional environment, project management,monitoring-evaluation;
  • approaches and strategies related to socialprojects, cooperativism, and waste pickers. Planning andorganization : Professional approach to work, strong sense ofresponsibility, operate with minimal supervision;
  • provenorganizational skills and ability to manage a workload efficientlyand within set deadlines. Communication : Ability to write clearlyand effectively;
  • listen to others, interpret messages correctly andrespond appropriately; show openness in information sharing andkeep everyone informed;
  • solid abstract reasoning skills togetherwith a proven capacity to write documents for diverse audiences.Teamwork : Ability to work with teams, demonstrate leadership,conflict management and consensus facilitation skills;
  • ability towork in a multicultural and multi-ethnic environment, and torespect diversity; sensitivity to the main streaming ofvulnerability;

willingness and ability to work in difficultenvironments. Languages Fluency in Portuguese is required; Goodcommand in oral and written Spanish is desirable.

Good command inoral and written English is desirable. Additional InformationTravel details The Social Projects and Cooperativism Consultantmust be available to travel to the City of São Paulo.

Theconsultant will be responsible for travel expenses and logistics.Remuneration SB-4 / 1 (UNDP Brazil Salary Scale) The consultant willreceive an amount of BRL 43.

578,00, to be paid in three (3)installments, upon the presentation and approval of the followingproducts : Payment 1 (10%) : Upon delivery and approval of Product 1(BRL 4.

357,80); Payment 2 (50%) : Upon delivery and approval ofProduct 2 (BRL 21.789,00). Payment 3 (40%) : Upon delivery andapproval of Product 3 (BRL 17.

431,20). Appointment against thispost is on a local basis and only nationals from Brazil or externalcandidates who hold a permanent visa in Brazil may apply.

It isrequired for all the curricular information to be inserted in thesystem, which may take a few hours. Only complete applications inEnglish will be considered.

All applications will be treated withthe strictest confidence. Due to the volume of applicationsreceived, receipt of applications cannot be acknowledgedindividually.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.Applications should be submitted through INSPIRA and must includeall documents required at the system, please be ready to includethe following information at the Candidate Profile (CP) atInspira : 1.

Cover memo (maximum 1 page) 2. Educational Background(incl. dates) 3. Professional Experience (assignments, tasks,achievements, duration by years / months) 4.

Expertise andpreferences regarding location of potential assignments 5. OtherExperience and Expertise (e.g. Internships / voluntary work, etc.

Please note that Internships, self-employment and part-time countas 50%. In addition to it, note experience not relevant to theposition will not be considered.

All applications should besubmitted to : Inspira Deadline for applications : UN-HABITAT doesnot charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process.

If youhave any questions concerning persons or companies claiming to berecruiting on behalf of these offices and requesting the payment ofa fee, please contact : recruitment@unon.



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