Social Media Manager
How does it feel to give your career as a digitalmarketeer a new, more meaningful direction? And to develop yourselfat Pivott, in a professional environment where people really comefirst, where values of respect, passion and communication serveperformance and success, and not the other way around?
Wherepermanent training, the best tools & tech and an incredibly funfamily atmosphere make every Pivotter happier day in and day out?
Where, apart from an ultra competitive compensation package, youalso get a lot of extra legal benefits, unlimited access to ouramazing gym (with separate showers), the yoga courses, our pool andfoosball tables, free coffee from freshly ground beans, snacks andsofts as much as you can eat, but also free fresh fruit every day,and all those little touches and little parties that make your lifesuddenly more colourful.
We are looking for the next happy Pivotterfor the open role of Social Media Manager in our social mediaagency in Vilvoorde, a very important position with far-reachingautonomy to work at our biggest (and coolest) customer, Aldi.
Weare looking forward to your first reaction, drop us a short emailat [email protected]. More details below (if you have the courage toread it) ABOUT PIVOTT Pivott is an innovative and growing Belgiandigital agency with offices in Brussels, Amsterdam and Luxembourg,specialised in creating and producing personalised marketingsolutions through advanced AI-driven technologies.
Our Pivottersserve prestigious clients from various sectors (ALDI, Di,Connections, Santa Maria, Sony Pictures, La Redoute and ING to namea few) helping brands to build and activate their online presenceand impact their sales upwards.
Pivott has a proven performancetrack and been awarded recently with a Gold Amma Award, a SilverMixx Award, a Bronze Mixx Award and a Bronze Effie Award.
As aSocial Media Manager you are responsible for all communication onthe various social media channels of our clients. You have apassion for social media & digital marketing, are good withwords and challenge yourself to get the best results with yourposts & campaigns! You always aim to please the customer andcan keep a cool head in stressful situations.
Social Media Fanatic : you are up to date with the latest social media trends & tools,you practice what you preach and spend most of your time online.
Expert Strategist : together with the project manager you developsmart strategies and come up with exciting social media projectsand campaigns.
Content Marketeer : you know how to createinteresting content that is relevant to the client’s needs, whilestaying consistent with the agreed tone of voice and guidelines.
Project Manager : you expertly manage all social projects &campaigns from start to finish and you have a good contact with theclient.
Social Analyst : you deliver a detailed report to thecustomer on a monthly basis, containing all facts and figures,learnings and recommendations.
Conversation manager : you monitorwhat consumers are saying about our clients in order to reactswiftly to sensitive issues.
You align with the right contactpersons when necessary. YOU HAVE ... A bachelor’s degree inCommunication or Marketing. A minimum of 2 years experience in asimilar function.
A good knowledge of English and Dutch or Frenchas your mother tongue. Good knowledge of what is happening in theworld. A passion for digital.
You know the ins and outs of socialmedia channels and have a healthy interest in other digitalmarketing tasks & tools. A good dose of creativity and goodwriting skills.
Good soft skills. You are a true team player, butcan also work independently. Knowledge of social media tools(Facebook ads, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn ads, Snap business,reporting tools, planning tools, ).
WE OFFER ... Very interestingbrands & projects to work for like Sony Pictures / Universal,Heytens, Connections, Di, A competitive salary in accordance withyour experience.
Lovely colleagues to work with. Nice summerbarbecues on our wonderful roof terrace. Unlimited access tocoffee, choco de luxe, fitness and our pool table and kicker.
Doyou recognize yourself and checked most of the boxes here above?Then you might be a new Pivotter! Apply via [email protected].#J-18808-Ljbffr
Atuamos com excelência operacional em portos e logística integrada de forma ética, empreendedora e focada em resultados. Nos antecipamos e adaptamos às demandas do cliente, quebramos paradigmas e cri
Atribuições e responsabilidadesPrestar atendimento individual aos funcionários, esclarecendo dúvidas, orientando sobre direitos e deveres assim como o acesso a direitos instituídos, visando assegurar
JOB DESCRIPTION Jeito DaVita O Jeito de Ser DaVita significa que nós dedicamos nossas Mentes, Corações e Mãos para atingir a Missão, vivenciar os Valores e construir uma Aldeia saudável. Cuidamos uns
Experiência em planejamento de ações nas plataformas digitais e monitoramento de redes sociais de interesse das personas; Conhecimento no desenvolvimento de relatórios e análise de cada rede social;
Garantir o abastecimento do Complexo HospitalarMunicipal SBC, no que se refere a insumos hospitalares e itens demanutenção e engenharia clínica. Prover soluções na rotina dereposição de estoque, alin
Atuação em Araucária. Responsável pela execução dos trabalhos do nosso contrato com empresa contratante. Visita às famílias em comunidades, habilidade de comunicação com pessoas de baixa renda, elabo