Senior Supply Assistant (UNOPS)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR)
Hardship Level (not applicable for home-based) BFamily Type (not applicable for home-based) Family Staff Member / Affiliate Type UNOPS LICA5 Target Start Date 2024-11-01 Deadlinefor Applications November 7, 2024 Terms of Reference OperationalContext The Senior Supply Assistant manages and supports alllogistics activities in UNHCR’s warehouse in Boa Vista, includingplanning, sourcing, procurement, transport, customs clearance, andwarehousing management within the area of responsibility (AOR).
Theincumbent is supervised by the Associate Supply Officer or othersenior staff overseeing logistics, who provides general guidanceand defines objectives.
The incumbent will ensure local supplychain functions are optimized with a flexible infrastructure toaccommodate changing requirements while maintaining effectiveinformation flow and build collaborative relationships with UNagencies, partners, and government authorities.
They will manageinventory, ensure compliance with supply and financial rules,conduct transport needs analyses, and oversee procurement andtransport infrastructure.
Additionally, they will manageservice-level penalties, confirm deliveries, and support theestablishment of a skilled workforce.
Periodic tasks includeinventory checks, year-end closing, and country-level warehousereviews. The Senior Supply Assistant maintains ethical,customer-oriented relations with suppliers and partnerorganizations and exchanges information with counterparts in otherUN agencies and international organizations, adhering to UN / UNHCRProcurement Rules.
Desired Candidate Profile Experience in dealingwith Emergencies and in interagency logistics coordination inemergency contexts in particular.
Other UN procurement andlogistics training . Experience in commercial air charteroperations. Experience in customs formalities.
Experience inlogistics or warehousing. IMPORTANT INFORMATION : Eligibility : Thisposition is advertised to internal and external applicants.
Candidates must be legally present in Brazil at the time ofapplication, recruitment and hire. Only Brazilian citizens orcandidates legally present in Brazil will be considered eligible.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. The recruitmentprocess might include written test and / or oral interview for thisjob opening.
No late applications will be accepted. Remuneration : UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process(application, interview meeting, processing, training or any otherfees).
A competitive compensation and benefits package is offereddepending on relevant experience as per the requirements of the jobadvertisement.
Language requirements : Portuguese as mother tongueand Working Knowledge of English are essential. Contract duration : until 31st December 2024, with possibility of extension.
Applications : All applications must be submitted online in Workday.Email applications will not be accepted. Incomplete and lateapplications will not be accepted.
Only shortlisted candidates willbe contacted. Shortlisted candidates might be required to sit for awritten test and / or oral interview.
The evaluation of applicantswill be conducted based on the information submitted during theapplication. Applicants must provide complete and accurateinformation pertaining to their personal profile andqualifications.
No amendment, addition, deletion, revision ormodification shall be made to applications that have beensubmitted. Candidates under serious consideration for selectionwill be subject to reference checks to verify the informationprovided in the application.
UNHCR is committed to diversity andinclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates,irrespective of gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religiousand ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities,to apply to become a part of the organization.
UNHCR seeks toensure that male and female employees are given equal careeropportunities. All applications will be treated with the strictestconfidentiality.
UNHCR has a zero-tolerance policy against SexualExploitation and Abuse (SEA). SEA is unacceptable behavior andprohibited conduct for UNHCR personnel.
It constitutes acts ofserious misconduct and is therefore grounds for disciplinarymeasures, including dismissal. Any concerns or suspicions about apossible case of SEA should be reported immediately to theInspector General’s Office (IGO) at inspector@unhcr.
org or throughthe online complain form athttps : / / / php / complaints.php or by confidential fax : +41 22 739 73 80.
Standard Job Description Senior Supply AssistantOrganizational Setting and Work Relationships The Senior SupplyAssistant provides supply support to all activities pertaining tothe supply chain function including planning, sourcing &procurement, transport, shipping, customs clearance, warehousing,assets & fleet management and monitoring within the area ofresponsibility (Ao R).
The incumbent is supervised by a higherlevel supply position and receives regular guidance andinstructions from the supervisor on successive steps.
S / he worksindependently on routine tasks while follows instructions of thesupervisor on more complex issues. The incumbent may have contactson a working level on specific issues with other UNHCR offices, UNagencies, NGOs, government partners and commercial contractors inthe area to facilitate performing the supply function.
The duty ofthe incumbent is to support the management of material resourceswithin the geographical area covered while exercising efficiency inthe use of those resources.
All UNHCR staff members are accountableto perform their duties as reflected in their job description. Theydo so within their delegated authorities, in line with theregulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UNStaff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and AdministrativeInstructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks.
Inaddition, staff members are required to discharge theirresponsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional,cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR s corevalues of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.
Duties - In compliance with supply chain rules and procedures,support the related supply activities to facilitate UNHCR end toend processes resulting in a timely and quality delivery of goodsand services to persons of concern.
- Apply UNHCR's sourcing &procurement strategy when planning for purchase of importantcommodities and services. - Initiate custom clearance ofconsignments, draft exemption requests, and liaise with localagents.
- Support warehouse management, and assist with planning ofgoods & services deliveries, and provide information on thestatus of requests and the availability of items in the supplychain.
- Maintain accurate and comprehensive records on supplyactivities and provide reports and updates periodically, and onrequest.
- Examine purchase requests to ensure conformity andliaise with requesters. - Prepare quotation requests and tenders,produce bid-tabulations from tenders and prepare Purchase Ordersfor approval.
- Dispatch approved Purchase Orders, and follow-upwith the delivery of ordered commodities and services. - Provideinformation on all procurement activities within the Ao R.
- Produce standard asset management reports and other assetinformation, periodically and when requested. - Maintain accuratedata in all relevant business systems.
Compile statisticalinformation on supply chain related matters that will assist indecision making. In the Regional Bureaux : - Track global SupplyKPIs for the region and assist in preparation of regional ones, asrequired.
- Monitor all periodic Supply exercises such as monthlyreconciliations, quarterly physical inventory exercises, andyear-end accounts closure procedures and provide relevant reportsto senior managers.
- Assist Country Operations in MSRP management.In the Country Operations : - Ensure local liaison to effectivelysupport the supply activities.
- Assist in the management of thestorage of goods according to "best practices" and UNHCR rules andregulations; - Assist in managing Property, Plant and Equipment(PPE) effectively according to UNHCR rules and regulation,including registration and marking of new PPE, physicalverification of PPE, preparation of agreements and disposal forms(including submissions to LAMB / AMB), and assistance with disposalof PPE.
- Support the identification and management of risks andseek to seize opportunities impacting objectives in the area ofresponsibility.
Ensure decision making in risk based in thefunctional area of work. Raise risks, issues and concerns to asupervisor or to relevant functional colleague(s).
Perform otherrelated duties as required. Minimum Qualifications Education &Professional Work Experience Years of Experience / Degree Level ForG5- 2 years relevant experience with High School Diploma;
or 1 yearrelevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higherField(s) of Education Not applicable Certificates and / or LicensesNot specified Relevant Job Experience Essential Not specifiedDesirable Not specified Functional Skills IT-Computer LiteracySC-People Soft Supply Chain Management SC-Supply PlanningSC-Customs clearance SC-Logistics SC-Warehouse Management SC-AssetManagement SC-Fleet Management (Functional Skills marked with anasterisk* are essential) Language Requirements For InternationalProfessional and Field Service jobs : Knowledge of English and UNworking language of the duty station if not English.
For NationalProfessional jobs : Knowledge of English and UN working language ofthe duty station if not English and local language.
For GeneralService jobs : Knowledge of English and / or UN working language ofthe duty station if not English. All UNHCR workforce members mustindividually and collectively, contribute towards a workingenvironment where each person feels safe, and empowered to performtheir duties.
This includes by demonstrating no tolerance forsexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexualharassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse ofpower.
As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive inpreventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoingdialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance andsupport from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.
Thisis a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this jobtitle and grade level. The Operational Context may containadditional essential and / or desirable qualifications relating tothe specific operation and / or position.
Any such requirements areincorporated by reference in this Job Description and will beconsidered for the screening, shortlisting and selection ofcandidates.
Required Languages English , , Desired Languages , ,Additional Qualifications Skills IT-Computer Literacy, SC-AssetManagement, SC-Customs clearance, SC-Fleet Management,SC-Logistics, SC-People Soft Supply Chain Management, SC-SupplyPlanning, SC-Warehouse Management Education Certifications WorkExperience Other information This position doesn't require afunctional clearance Home-Based No
Nível : Assistente Cursos de : Relações internacionais,comercio exetrior,ADMNISTRAÇAO Escolaridade : Graduação - Indiferente Tipo de contrato : CLT Jornada de trabalho : HORÁRIO DE TRABALHOSegunda a
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