Lower School Principal - Gávea Campus
Clínica Da Cidade
EARJ is looking for an experienced and accomplished Lower School Principal to join our Gávea campus team for July 2025.
The Lower School Principal is the educational leader of the division, guiding the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) with a strong commitment to cultivating inclusion and belonging.
The Principal ensures that all students thrive in a stimulating, safe, and supportive learning environment that aligns with the school’s mission and vision.
This role involves leading teachers and staff in delivering an educational experience that reflects the values of the IB and promotes the holistic development of every student.
- 3-5 years as a Principal in a similar international school overseas
- A clear commitment to the principles and practices of the IB
- A minimum of a Master’s level degree in school leadership
- Experience in multilingual classrooms and communities
- Experience meeting the needs of diverse learners
- Pursues continuous improvement of professional practice
- Skilled in high-impact blended learning
- A motivated learner who accepts responsibility for their own growth
- Thrives in an atmosphere of transformational leadership
- Committed to child protection best practice
- Values collegiality and collaboration
- Possesses the skills, sensitivity and cultural awareness to work successfully with all constituencies
- Culturally open-minded
- Eager to broaden personal experiences and connect with others
- Demonstrates a growth mindset in their engagement with the world
- Has an optimistic outlook
- Willing to take balanced risks, and sees failure as an opportunity for growth
- Resilient, with a robust sense of self
- Contributes to a community that is inclusive, culturally sensitive and equitable, and in which everyone experiences a strong sense of belonging.
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