English - Japanese (Medical Interpreter)
Voyce Inc
Come join a wonderful company that cares deeply about the growth and success of our team.
Voyce is looking for English-Japanese native Interpreters !
Job Description :
To provide live Audio / Video (OPI / VRI) consecutive interpretation for mostly Medical clients.
Important note :
We are transitioning to a flexible scheduling tool. The flexible scheduling tool offers several benefits to interpreters.
By allowing them to choose the shifts they are willing to work, as opposed to the shift bidding system, it empowers interpreters to have more control over their work schedules.
Moreover, the tool promotes better work-life balance and the ability to accommodate personal commitments or emergencies without the stress of finding someone to cover their shift.
Overall, the goal is to foster a more positive and collaborative work environment for interpreters.
Contractor requirements :
We are looking for contractors who have :
- An internet connection of at least two (2) Mbps download and upload speeds. - It cannot be through a data card. Make sure you comply by running a simple test at speedtest.net .
- A laptop or desktop computer with a camera and a headset.
- One solid-color background or a backdrop to ensure professionalism - No pictures, mirrors, curtains, or anything else at all.
- Always wear business-casual (black collared shirt or polo t-shirt) attire during video calls.
- Always ensure that the lighting and work environment are adequate for this industry.
For any follow up please contact : [email protected]
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