Engenheiro de Aplicação
IMI Norgren
IMI plc IMI plc is an organisation focused ondelivering fluid motion and control technologies that create a moresustainable world, improving the quality of life for our customersand communities and ultimately fulfilling our purpose of InnovativeEngineering for a Better World.
The automation platform leveragesdeep automation technology and application expertise to improveproductivity, safety and sustainability for our customers.
Industrial Automation operates across many key industry sectors andis a world leader in supporting customers with motion and fluidcontrol technology.
Our team works fairly and effectively to ensureIMI’s heritage of quality spans over 150 years. Job Overview
- Responsible for providing technical support to all business unitsacross the company, developing automation solutions with productsand custom solutions.
- Works directly with the Sales Department,integrating with the Engineering Department, supporting business inSouth America.
- The role requires a product and applicationspecialist with in-depth knowledge of electropneumatic automationand experience in automation solutions for various industrysectors.
- Actively participates in large, high-value-addedprojects as a consultant for internal support and for customersthemselves.
- Works as technical support for all departments,including automation developments, applicable in our manufacturingplant. Responsibilities
- Field visits supporting the external team(70% external)
- Monitoring visits, email / telephone support,performance measurement
- Developing value-added solutions
- Technical training for the IMI sales team, partners, and customers
- Reviewing support material together with Marketing
- Solvingcomplex technical problems and providing innovative solutionsCritical Skills for Success
- Degree in Industrial Automation orMechanics.
- Proven knowledge in development of industrialautomation solutions, pneumatic systems, PLCs, sensors,communication networks, hydraulics (plus) and NR12 solutions.
- Knowledge of English required
- Proactivity, curiosity andmultidisciplinary holistic vision
- Communication skills tointeract with customers, technical staff and stakeholders andcoordinate activities and resources effectively.
Auxiliar o setor de pintura / produção; Operarserra-fita no corte de peças para produção, seguir as medidasconforme ordem de serviço. Trabalho braçal, necessita pessoas quesão acostumadas no pesado.
Metalúrgica admite Meio Oficial Metalúrgico em Itajaí (Salseiros). Realizar o lixamento, limpeza, ponteamento e acabamento em componentes de ligas metálicas.Aplicar produtos de decapagem em peças met
Empresa metalúrgica admite Dobrador Metálurgico em Salto. Interpretar desenhos técnicos e especificações para determinar o processo de dobra adequado.Configurar e operar máquinas de dobra, como prens
1 Vaga - Comprador - Segmento Indústria Metalúrgico / MetalExperiência : 3 anos como comprador no ramo Indústria Metalúrgico / Metal. Responsabilidades : Negociações com fornecedores realizando compr
Titulo da Vaga : Auxiliar de MetalúrgicoNome da Empresa : Conti Recursos HumanosSalário : R$1.800,00 + VTLocalização : São Paulo SPDescrição da Vaga : Ajudante geral MetalúrgicoQuantidade de vagas :
Selecionar e preparar materiais Auxiliar namontagem de postes e luminárias Auxiliar na colocação de postes Carregar e descarregar mercadorias quando necessário Responsávelpela limpeza e organização d