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Workplace : São Paulo - SP

Responsibilities :

  • Promote nursing assistance to pregnant women and / or parturients seeking care, ensuring safe service.
  • Participate, analyze, and evaluate nursing processes and interfaces with the team to ensure quality according to the Nursing Ethics Code.
  • Coordinate and control the daily normal programming and emergencies.
  • Maintain interrelation with the obstetric hospitalization team to promptly receive the parturient in the pre-delivery room.
  • Participate in conducting obstetric exams of patients in labor, ensuring their admission and referrals whenever possible, providing humanized care to patients seeking our service.
  • Guide patients and companions on the sector's operation and the professionals' roles present.
  • Provide guidance during labor according to the patient's current state, preparing them for delivery by explaining positions, ambulation, baths, and massages during labor.
  • Inform about the obstetric exams performed and their results; ensure patient privacy by keeping them covered during the obstetric exam.
  • Encourage and accompany the work of Doulas with pregnant women and postpartum patients in promoting breastfeeding in the first hour of life.
  • Control labor with careful observation of each parturient, intervening whenever necessary, regardless of pre-established schedules in labor assistance plans.
  • Monitor fetal heart rate, ensuring to listen before, during, and after contractions.
  • Contact other services for external exams.
  • Provide nursing care to patients in obstetric observation, such as fetal auscultation, cardiotocography, uterine dynamics, and complementary exams;

communicate any occurrences to the on-duty doctor.

  • Document all observations in the medical record.
  • Stay as close as possible to the parturient during the final dilation period, providing emotional support and precise guidance on what is happening.
  • Plan and control the referral of the client to the delivery room, avoiding emergency procedures that cause discomfort and pain to the client.
  • Perform hand scrubbing, skin antisepsis, and use aseptic techniques appropriately to prevent infections.
  • Conduct the delivery, allowing the mother full participation in the process, providing emotional support, safety, care, and respect for her personal limitations imposed by her circumstances.
  • Conduct a thorough review of the birth canal; perform episiorrhaphy and sutures for lacerations and tears, if necessary, and monitor bleeding and uterine contractility.
  • Check in the medical record and with collaborators if medical prescriptions and nursing assistance are being executed correctly.
  • Guide and supervise the nursing technicians and assistants.
  • Maintain the pre-delivery, delivery rooms, and nursery in normal and emergency conditions of use.
  • Ensure the replenishment of materials and medications for use and care for the service's supply.
  • Verify the operation of equipment and arrange for preventive and corrective maintenance as necessary.
  • Promote recycling and updating of nursing routines and procedures in patient care.
  • Observe and comply with standards and routines established by health service regulatory bodies.
  • Complete medical records according to routine, observing the nursing care prescriptions for postpartum in the Postpartum Unit.
  • Participate in partnership actions between the health unit and educational institutions, considering the inseparability of the relationship between teaching and service, supporting the development of internship, research, and / or residency fields in your work sector.
  • Support and provide conditions for acquiring knowledge in the professional field for interns and / or residents in the assistance activities under your responsibility when requested and according to assessment with the immediate manager.
  • Observe compliance with ethical aspects involved in user assistance when the care spaces and the execution of procedures involve the participation of interns, researchers, and / or residents.
  • Participate in training and development opportunities offered as a counterpart by educational institutions.
  • Perform sector activities following the determinations of the immediate manager and the institution's standardization.

Minimum Requirements :

  • Higher Education in Nursing.
  • Active Registration with the Class Council.
  • Complete Specialization in Obstetrics.
  • 6 months of experience as an Obstetric Nurse performing deliveries.
  • Course in Manchester Risk Classification Protocol.

Work Schedule : 12x36

About SPDM : The SPDM - Associação Paulista para o Desenvolvimento da Medicina is a non-profit civil association, recognized as a public utility by federal, state, and municipal decrees.

The institution operates within the federal, state, and municipal scopes, harmonizing with health and education policies, and as a social organization authorized in various states, managing health services and organizations through agreements and management contracts.

Mission : Promote integrated health actions with public management for the benefit of the population in an ethical and humanized manner, with technical quality, and social and environmental commitment.

Vision : To be a reference in health service management, covering all levels of assistance, ensuring quality care to the population of partner municipalities and states.


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