Embedded Software Engineer
The Embedded Software Engineer is responsible for designing and implementing the embedded software that is integral to Schlumberger measurement and control systems.
The Embedded Software Engineer evaluates methods, technology and development tools to be used for projects. This person helps define and implement frameworks and design practices, as well as knowledge sharing activities in the local and global community.
Responsibilities :
- Design and implement embedded software for measurement and control systems incorporating multiple processors using real-time operating systems.
- Design high-speed, hard-real-time data acquisition and logging systems.
- Implement DSP algorithms.
- Gather and analyze requirements and estimations.
- Coordinate software development with other disciplines and engineering projects.
- Design testing procedures. Conduct and coordinate tests, document results and develop presentations. Provide timely corrective actions on defects.
- Support Manufacturing and field organizations on design and testing related issues.
- Produce analyses and mathematical models, and draw design conclusions based on those.
- Conduct or participate in multidisciplinary technical reviews of projects.
- Contribute to design standards and support design re-use.
- Create and maintain product documentation. Provide technical support to field and customers through InTouch.
- Assign, direct and review work of technicians and provide guidance to engineers. Mentor others as required.
- Share expertise via Eureka and special interest groups. Build informal network throughout the organization. Author technical reports, papers, articles, patents and presentations.
- Continually evaluate engineering approaches and risks.
- Keep abreast of novel technical concepts and markets. Adopt new practices readily to develop innovative and low-cost products.
Keep updated on software technology, particularly within the embedded domain.
- Comply with the embedded software development process.
- Maintain familiarity with company technology, organization and business.
Minimum Requirements :
- Minimum BSc in Electrical, Automation Control, Computer Engineering and related fields.
- Experience in Embedded Software and similar roles.
- Experience within the Oil and Gas Industry is a plus.
- Advanced English proficiency.
- Availability to live in Taubaté or the region.
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