Control Room Operator opportunities in Brazil (offshore)
SBM Offshore
1) Process
- Start up, Operate, Monitor, and Shut Down processes and Utility Systems.
- Monitor, maintain, and optimize process parameters (Level, flow, temperature, pressure, etc) within operating requirements.
- Compare sample and testing results (API / BS&W / salinity) of process and utility fluids to optimal.
- Trouble shoot to maximize sales quality and delivery volume to identify problems.
- Maintain discharge water quality within current O&M Contractor Operations or local guidelines.
- Monitor and operate electrical / hydraulic control panels, safety, and emergency shutdown devices, and Fire and Gas Systems.
- Ensure accurate production reporting is submitted daily or as required by the company and client.
- Witness third-party calibrations when appropriate to provide verification of meter factors and volumes.
- Prove export oil meters.
2) Marine / Safety
- Implementing and enforcing O&M Contractor Operations Management System policies and procedures in particular Isolation Standards, and PTW.
- Carry out all operations in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
- Report all discharges, leaks, spills, injuries, and incidents immediately.
- Ensure personnel understands and comply with current environmental regulations.
- Carry out Emergency Response role
3) Maintenance
- Assist maintenance operations by applying / removing isolations as required.
- Supervise the operation of the PTW system.
- Advise maintenance personnel on hazards of plant and equipment.
- Maintain clear and precise communications during maintenance operations.
4) Manage & Supervise Effectively
- Coordinate activities and resources across teams or shifts.
- Contribute to training and assessment of personnel.
- Control activities and development of subordinate personnel.
- Record and report on personnel development / appraisals and competence assessments as required.
- Efficiency improvement and pursue company goals.
- Create and maintain effective working relationships
4 years minimum in Hydrocarbon processing operations with 1 year as CCROand appropriate mix of
operational, and supervisory experience.
- Offshore Personal Survival, Management of Major Emergencies, Medical certificates.
- Good level of troubleshooting and operations knowledge including interpretation of P&IDs and C&E charts.
- Extensive knowledge of offshore FPSO operations, including Production, Maintenance, Engineering and
- Good working knowledge of DCS and F&G systems operation.
- Medically fit with offshore International standards such as ENG1 or equivalent.
- Personal Skills : Personal : Conscientious, flexible, versatile, and determined. Capable of assertive and positive communication and performance.
Leadership : Good safety and supervisory leadership skills. Good levels of written and spoken communication in the English language.
Clear understanding of personnel behavioral and team issues. Flexible in applying different approaches to changing work demands.
Technical : High standard of technical, and professional knowledge as defined by competencies. Good knowledge of DCS / SCADA systems.
Some knowledge of cargo handling and marine utility systems where appropriate for the position. IT : Practical familiarity with standard Office’ software package.
Operation and use of Internet and electronic mail system.
Scale : 14X14 days
Vessel : floating production storage and offloading (FPSO)
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